Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Love Story for the Ages - Well, Almost

By now everyone knows that Al and Tipper Gore are splitting the sheets after 40 years of wedded bliss marriage. I don't blame her. If I was stuck under the same roof with a bloviating hypocrite like Saint Al there would be either a divorce or a homicide.

Reactions to the pending divorce are varied. First, of course, it's all Bush's fault.
"(T)hey never got over being denied the presidency despite winning the popular vote in 2000. If only Bush hadn't taken it from them."
Then there's the damage their divorce is doing to the planet: "...people with failed marriages can be blamed for global warming ."

But best of all is the "Top Ten Reasons Al and Tipper Gore are Separating," courtesy of Stilton Jarlsberg (click below to embiggen).

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