Wednesday, June 2, 2010

That's a No-Brainer

Early in the 2008 presidential campaign many people expressed doubts about whether obama was qualified to perform as president (qualified from a competency standpoint, not from a citizenship one). Of course, if you raised questions about his experience and ability, you were ipso facto a racist.

However, shortly after obama took office, his supporters began to have doubts. In March 2009, Michael Goodwin of the NY Daily News reported:
"a veteran Democratic pol approached me with a pained look on his face and asked, "Do you think they know what they're doing?"

Which brings us to the heart of the matter: the doubts about Obama himself. His famous eloquence is wearing thin through daily exposure and because his actions are often disconnected from his words. His lack of administrative experience is showing.

His promises and policies contradict each other often enough that evidence of hypocrisy is ceasing to be news. Remember the pledges about bipartisanship and high ethics? They're so last year."
Another democrap stalwart, Dick Morris, advisor to the Clintons for 20 years, flat-out asked " Is Obama Competent ?"
"... Is he competent? Does he know what he is doing? ... Does he know how to do anything other than spend money?"
No less a well-credentialed liberal than Gore Vidal got on board the obama-is-incompetent bandwagon back then as well:
"I was like everyone else when Obama was elected – optimistic. Everything we had been saying about racial integration was vindicated," he says, "but he's incompetent. He will be defeated for re-election. It's a pity because he's the first intellectual president we've had in many years, but he can't hack it. He's not up to it. He's overwhelmed."

The most recent round of doubts concerning obama's competency were triggered by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. What's telling about them, however, is that they're not doubts concerning his ability to "plug the hole." They may start off that way, but they soon morph into doubts about his ability to govern this country.

Mad Dog James Carville, a fervent democrap, flails obama for his inaction on the oil spill. Carville's tirade is both amusing and tragic. (From my perspective it's a mixture of "I told you so" and sorrow for the long term damage being done to the Gulf and the coast. I like seafood and long walks on the beach. Sadly, both are out of the picture for the foreseeable future.)

Peggy Noonan, in a Wall Street Journal editorial, states "The president, in my view, continues to govern in a way that suggests he is chronically detached from the central and immediate concerns of his countrymen."

Even Maureen Dowd, the most left-leaning floozy since Hanoi Jane Fonda, echoes Noonan's theme that The Chosen One is detached and remote from the problems besetting him.
Too often it feels as though Barry is watching from a balcony, reluctant to enter the fray until the clamor of the crowd forces him to come down.

The oil won’t stop flowing, but the magic has.
Of course, in true liberal fashion she does manage to blame most of the problems on Bush and Cheney.
"It’s impossible not to feel sorry for President Obama, pummeled by the cascading disasters, at home and abroad, unleashed by two war-mongering oil men."
Dick Morris returns to ask "Who would have thought that this president, so anxious to lead us and so focused on his specific agenda and ideas, would turn out not to know what he is doing?"

It's interesting to see the rats abandoning the sinking S.S. Obama. The question is, where are they going to go?

Perhaps Michael Barone of the New York Post has the most intriguing perspective on this whole mess:
"It can be argued that Republicans have won the elections that turned on ideology and that Democrats have won the elections that turned on competence.

Republican victories in 1984, 1988 and 2004 were clearly endorsements of Ronald Reagan's and George W. Bush's policies. Democratic victories in 1992 and 2008 were indictments of the two George Bushes for incompetence and in 1996 an endorsement of the competence of Bill Clinton."
So now we have barack hussein obama, failed politician, failed socialist, and most regrettably, failed president. Why is that regrettable? Because he's dragging the rest of us down with him...

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