Friday, June 11, 2010

AZ Misc.

Miscellaneous tidbits on Arizona's recent illegal immigration legislation, and reaction to it (miscellaneous because I'm unorganized today, and tidbits because I'm lethargic today).

Now's a great time to visit scenic Arizona. The liberals are boycotting the state, and the illegals are leaving in droves. That leaves AZ uncrowded and free of undesirables.

Speaking of liberals and Arizona, here's another example (like we needed any more) of liberal hypocrisy (source here.)

Seattle has joined several other U.S. cities in protesting Arizona's sweeping new immigration law.

However, the Seattle City Council's 7-0 vote on Monday to boycott the state won't have much practical effect.

The council's resolution was written to protect the only substantial contract Seattle has with an Arizona company - a $106,000-a-month deal with American Traffic Solutions. The Scottsdale-based company operates Seattle's 29 red-light cameras.

So let me get this straight -- a police officer verifying the immigration status of someone is a gross violation of civil liberties, but sending someone a letter accusing them of a crime based on a machine that took a picture of their license plate is a necessary revenue stream function of government that must be protected?

By now most people have seen the picture that's been floating around the internet regarding a billboard urging illegals to move from AZ to California. Unfortunately, the billboard is a digital mock-up, not a real one. Nevertheless, it captures the essence of the majority's sentiments.

If there's one thing Arizona has more of than illegal aliens, it's cactus. Below are a couple of examples of cactus (cacti?) that reflect the prevailing attitude towards those opposed to SB 1070, the notorious illegal immigration bill.

Bend over, California. This one's for you!!!

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