Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Air Force One Goes Stealth

We here at Bergheim Follies have just obtained a top-secret Air Force report. It seems that the Air Force has developed a new stealth technology that literally makes an airplane invisible.

Once the technology was finalized it was applied to Air Force One. This was done because that plane carries the leader of the free world. It must be protected at all costs.

Below is the story of the initial flight:

Air Force General: Mr. President, we've just invented an invisibility cloak for Air Force One.

Obama: No shit?

General: That's right, sir. Will you be going along on its maiden flight?

Obama: Wouldn't miss it for the world.

General: Have a good trip, sir.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the fall would kill him. We would likely have a (further) brain damaged president and Biden would be in charge during his hospitalization.
