Friday, May 7, 2010

Signs of the Times

Sign #1

Teenager kicked out of Catholic school for swearing at a nun.
Teenager goes to live with grandmother.
Grandmother asks granddaughter to do homework.
Granddaughter goes off on grandmother with a torrent of f-bombs.
Grandmother slaps granddaughter.
Granddaughter calls cops.
Cops arrest grandmother for assault.
Grandmother spends the night in jail.

WTF??? If I ever did something like that my grandmother would slap me, my grandfather would whack me upside the head, my mother would wash my mouth out with soap, and my father would be standing in line waiting his turn. And the local cops would probably have piled on as well. But today - well, I guess a 73 year old lady is a threat. I'm surprised the cops didn't taser her.

Sign #2

Students wear t-shirts with American flags on them to school on Cinco de Mayo.
School officials tell students to remove t-shirts because they are "incendiary."
Students refuse.
Students kicked off campus.

Mexican-American students say they were offended by the five boys and others for wearing American colors on a Mexican holiday. "I think they should apologize cause it's a Mexican Heritage Day," Annicia Nunez, a Live Oak High student, said. "We don't deserve to be get disrespected like that. "

DISRESPECTED!?!?! Because some students have pride in THIS country!?!?! GMAFB. How about YOU show some respect for the flag of the country that provides you with more opportunity and more freedom than anywhere else in the world. Show some respect for the flag that men and women have fought for and died to protect. Bah! I'm so outraged by the ignorance and insolence of that stupid bitch that my hands are literally shaking as I type this. I can't conjure up the words to express my disgust, not only at that ignorant fool, but at the school system that shaped her, and at the public who aids and abets such nonsense. Of course, it did happen in California. That explains a lot. The sad thing is that at some point in the future that loser, and others just like her, will be allowed to vote and reproduce. Where's an earthquake when we really need one?

Sign #3

Black students go on field trip.
White students not allowed to go.
School officials defend this.

The stated intent was to help close an achievement gap between white and black students. As an educator, I'm well aware that there are 'achievement gaps' between students from different socioeconomic backgrounds. I deal with it every day. But closing the gap by giving one group opportunities that are denied to the other is NOT the way to solve the problem. All that accomplishes is holding back the second group. In mathematical terms:

wrong + wrong ≠ right.

I weep for the future...

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