Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Anti-incumbent Fever

The following excerpt from a story about anti-incumbent fever illustrates what is wrong with our political system today, and what I hope is a movement to vote ALL the incumbents out of office. Those 535 worthless losers have been busy fiddling while our country burns.
"In West Virginia, 14-term Democrat Rep. Alan Mollohan is competing in the May 11 primary against state Sen. Mike Oliverio. The primary battle, observers note, is the first real challenge for Mollohan since taking over the seat in 1982 when his father retired from it."
Fourteen terms?!?!? And he took it over from his father?!?!? That's almost as bad as the poster child for arrogantly believing that a congressional seat is a family birthright, that drunken, murdering, lying hypocrite Ted Kennedy.

Throw 'em all out. Beginning with that idiot in the White House.

Update: He's outta there!!!

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