Monday, April 12, 2010

We Have Seen The Future II

Here's an article published back in Jan. 2010. It looks at what the model for obamacare has done to the state of Massachusetts. Why on earth this wasn't part of the national debate on obamacare before Congress voted disgraces the lame stream media, the democraps, and anyone else involved in the process who was intellectually or politically dishonest enough to look the other way.

Here's an excerpt:
"In 2006, the state of Massachusetts passed a sweeping overhaul of the state’s health-care system. The system, which influenced the Obama administration’s plans for national reform, has since faced unexpected and unchecked growth in costs, both to the government and individuals, forcing the government to cut benefits and raise taxes. Now analysts say that without significant policy changes, the program’s long-term viability is in doubt."

I repeat the lessons learned:

1. The government screws up everything it touches.

2. Don't believe anything obama-reid-pelosi say.

3. If the repubs come anywhere close to nominating Romney they're even bigger idiots than the democraps.

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