Friday, April 2, 2010


Catching up on some things that I meant to post earlier, but somehow got sidetracked:

If Fidel Castro and the U.N. are for obamacare, then it must be good for us, regardless of what U.S. businesses and actual medical professionals think.
"Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on Thursday declared passage of American health care reform "a miracle and a major victory for Obama's presidency..."

"The head of the U.N. World Health Organization on Wednesday praised U.S. healthcare reforms signed by President Barack Obama this week

"In the wake of Washington's health-care overhaul, some companies are taking big one-time charges for anticipated costs, fanning tension with the administration over the legislation's impact on corporate America."
"A doctor who considers the national health-care overhaul to be bad medicine for the country posted a sign on his office door telling patients who voted for Barack Obama to seek care elsewhere."

So who ya gonna believe, those fat-cat corporate execs and lying doctors, or a commie dictator, the head of a U.N. agency, and of course osama-oops-I-mean-obama?

To see more restrained comments from other medical professionals, check out Docs4PatientCare, a grassroots organization with an emphasis on allowing medical professionals to make decisions about their patients' health care, not government bureaucrats.

And if you'd like a T-shirt that encapsulates your/my/our position on obamacare, go here (thanks to The Whited Sepulchre for the link).

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In other news, it appears that U.S. workers have ratcheted up their productivity over the last 18-24 months. Most people would think this is a good thing, right? Guess again. In typical liberal/government fashion, these more productive workers are being blamed for holding back job growth and delaying the economic recovery that obama and his cronies swore would result from their bloated stimulus bills and other faulty policies and legislation.
"It is an episode that we're going to -- we, economists in general -- are going to want to understand better and look at for a long time," Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said..."
Well, let's see. A government worker who can't understand the tax code also can't figure out why private sector employees might work harder to save their jobs when people are getting laid off left and right. Could it be that government workers have no worries about layoffs, and hence no motivation to be productive? Nah, that couldn't be it...

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Finally, on the lighter side (sort of), there are reports that female suicide bombers are getting breast implants filled with explosives. This makes the explosives virtually impossible to detect by current screening procedures. I don't know how the TSA will react, but I predict a dramatic increase in the number of volunteers for manual patdowns...

Okay, it's Friday evening. There's a Shiner out there calling my name...

Happy Easter.

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