Monday, April 19, 2010

What A Maroon!

Noted without comment: a recent poll indicates that 8 out of 10 Americans "don't trust the federal government and have little faith it can solve America's ills."
The survey found that just 22 percent of those questioned say they can trust Washington almost always or most of the time and just 19 percent say they are basically content with it. Nearly half say the government negatively affects their daily lives, a sentiment that's grown over the past dozen years.

"Trust in government rarely gets this low," said Andrew Kohut, director of the nonpartisan center that conducted the survey.

In a democracy built on the notion that citizens have a voice and a right to exercise it, the long-term consequences could prove to be simply unhealthy - or truly debilitating.
Well, maybe just one little comment...

When a former president states that anti-government rhetoric can lead to acts of domestic terrorism ("Clinton alludes to 1995 Oklahoma City bombing"), when the head of the Department of Homeland Security considers military veterans a threat and sics the FBI on us, and when the sitting U.S. president buries his head in the sand and refuses to admit that there is such a thing as "Islamist extremism," well then, Hell yes I don't trust the fools in D.C.

Who does that idiot think is stuffing their underwear full of explosives, sending suicide bombers to murder women and children, and - oh yeah - crashing planes into buildings? Non-Islamic extremists?

Bugs Bunny said it best:

Update: In addition to women and children, now those cowardly murdering Muslim assholes are killing donkeys in the name of Allah. What a perversion of religion, that they can somehow justify in their twisted little minds the slaughter of innocents to advance their befouled Weltanschauung.

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