Friday, April 23, 2010

I Don't Get Paid Enough II

Following up yesterday's post, here's a few more excerpts from student projects.
"Using the GPS shows you the road on how to get to your destiny."
Isn't technology wonderful? Not only does it get you to your destination, it tells your future."
"iPad will combat the problem with a 10 hour battery life which will get through most cramp legging plane rides."

Right idea. Just needs a little work on the adjectives.
Unfortunately, it's not just the students. I'm wrapping up my second year here at Deep-in-the-Heart-of-South-Texas University. I recently had to complete a self-evaluation form for my first year (nothing like timely feedback). Since this was my first time filling out the form I wanted to make sure I did everything right. Hence the following email exchange between me and my department chair.
Q (Me): On p. 1 of the evaluation form there are three column headings: Class; Enrollment; and Grades. The first two are self-explanatory, but I'm not sure what the third signifies. Is it grade distribution (number of A's, B's, etc.), is it some score from the student evaluations, or is it something else?

A (Dept. Chair): The third column is usually left blank. I have never filled it in the many years that I have submitted the form. Of the forms I have received so far, they are all blank. I am not sure what the precise purpose is but I would leave it untouched if I were you.

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