Thursday, April 15, 2010


In addition to today being Tax Day, it's also Buy A Gun Day (BAG Day).

BAG Day is much more fun than Tax Day. I must admit, however, that while I wholeheartedly support the concept, I am not participating this year. I am blessed with a reasonable amount of discretionary income and a wonderful, understanding wife. But as I noted earlier, I just came into possession of a new rifle. So instead of spending $$$ on another firearm, I blew invested a hunk of change in a new scope to top off the new rifle.

I had hoped to get it all together for today, but the rifle-scope combination requires non-standard mounting rings, which had to be special ordered. They should be here soon, and once everything is assembled I'll post pics and details.

In the meantime, I strongly urge everyone to amble on down to their favorite firearms store and stimulate the economy in a truly meaningful way. Right after you leave your local Tea Party rally, of course...

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