Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Not My Fault

My wife and I have an ongoing argument disagreement discussion regarding the culpability of the male of the species concerning the lasting effect on the male psyche of millions of years of evolution that has conditioned us to breed with as many females as possible.

My (eminently logical) position is that we (males) can't help it - we are genetically programmed to share our seed with multiple receptive females. Her (entirely unreasonable) position is that we (males) haven't evolved since prehistoric times.

Now I finally have unassailable science on my side. As this article explains - written by a feminist doctor, no less - men are hardwired to distribute the fruit of our loins as widely as possible. To (selectively) quote from the article:

"I wish I could say that men can stop themselves... But the truth is, they can't."

So there. It's not my fault!

Having said that, I now feel like a liberal. "It's not my fault. I'm a victim of my background, upbringing, situation, context..."

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