Thursday, February 11, 2010

Oh My Aching Butt

Two recent headlines:

Airport body scanners violate Islamic law, Muslims say

"Saying that body scanners violate Islamic law, Muslim-American groups are supporting a “fatwa” – a religious ruling – that forbids Muslims from going through the scanners at airports."
Fine with me. You don't want to be scanned, take the bus. Problem solved.

Feds push for tracking cell phones

"... the Obama administration has argued that warrantless tracking [of mobile phones] is permitted because Americans enjoy no "reasonable expectation of privacy" in their--or at least their cell phones'--whereabouts."
Of course, when the Bush administration conducted warrantless reviews of telco records (limited to overseas calls, not domestic ones) the libs screamed about invasion of privacy. To their credit, however, the ACLU and their brethren (excuse me - personren) are fussin' about this as well. In this case, at least, they're consistent.

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