Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust

Following in his late father's footsteps (including stints in rehab for substance abuse problems) Patrick Kennedy is retiring from congress. For the first time in almost half a century there won't be a Kennedy's bloated behind wasting space in D.C.

At last, our long national nightmare is ending...

UPDATE (2/15/2010): Evan Bayh announced his plans to retire from the Senate. I don't know when political positions became family property (Birch Bayh begat Evan; John F. Kennedy begat (figuratively, not literally) Bobby, who begat Teddy, who begat Patrick (literally, not figuratively) ; Joe Biden begat Beau Biden; George H. W. Bush begat George W. and Jeb; etc. etc. etc.).

Scott Brown got it right. It's "the people's seat," not a family heirloom to passed down from generation to generation.

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